KI-VesD@microTAS 2024

Jan Lüddecke (Hahn-Schickard) gave a talk with the title V-Disk: A Centrifugal Microfluidic Cartridge for Purification of Extracellular Vesicles from Blood or Plasma Samples at µTAS 2024.

In his talk, Jan pointed out that the EV field is still held back by lack of reproducible and automated EV purification technologies. The team’s approach, a multi-modal EV purification protocol combining cation-exchange chromatography (CEX), sequential filtration, and mixed-mode chromatography (MMC), automated on a centrifugal microfluidic cartridge, was received very positively by the community. One big advantage of the V-Disk, distinguishing it from many other microfluidic approaches, is its capability to process 3 ml of blood. This enables purification of enough EVs for thorough downstream analyses. Overall, the V-Disk simplifies the EV purification workflow, reducing time and effort, and is a significant step toward automated, robust, and reproducible EV isolation.

The µTAS is the biggest conference for Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences. 2024's µTAS took place in Montreal, Canada, and we were honored to be invited for a talk on our EV purification technology.


